Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mark's daily energy report.

Daily energy report from Mark/Esheba.

By Mark Stearn.

28th May, 2008.

Greetings beloved friends,

Welcome to my new energy reports. The world is really rocking today. We have a massive energy presence around the earth at this time. The entire hierarchy of light including energies from all over the creation surround the earth in a transmuting ring or band of light. They are sending love to the centre of the earth continuously. Basically what is going to wrap up our ascension process is to transmute all the lower energies so that we can move into unity. The earth is still very heavy. I am talking from my heart and from my higher self esheba. The way is clearing very quickly. The band of light is heightening all the time.

An energy called Ascension fire that i awakened to back in 1999 is beamed to the centre of the earth the whole time by the great central sun. This is passed out to the band around the earth that is an ascension band. The transmutation continues the whole time. I am bringing in grids to heighten the drama on the planet. These grids are created by the source and move the energy on the planet in the desired direction. I am also crystallising the earth on a continuous basis. The new earth is already here and is waiting to make its advent on our planet when the way is fully clear. We are so close now. There is so much movement. The energy reports will be my take on how the energy is flowing on any given day.

Lemuria is now moving into my consciousness. Its vibration is lifting the entire earth. The faerie kingdom and the elves are working with us all so that we can free up the earth. The earth continues to become crystallised. 10,000 new crystal cities are today being created on the planet. This is to heighten the energy at work on the planet. The shadows are slowly lifting off the planet. The great central sun wishes a swift end to our current process. Its movement now is toward establishing unity on this world for all time to come.
The rainbow grids of the earth can now be clearly felt for one and all. They are contributing to the change in energy on the planet.

All is now assisting us. Tune in again tomorrow.



Message from the Assembly of Light. 29th May, 2008.

A message from the Assembly of Light.

Through Mark Stearn.

29th May, 2008.

Greetings voyagers,

We are delighted to greet you as a new day dawns across planet Earth. This planet is casting off the shackles of millenia. What we now see is your earth swiftly being restored to its original condition. This is happening through the selfless work of all workers of the light. Your planet is now transitioning swiftly. We are delighted to see such swift movement. We surround your world in a ring and provide love and healing for your renewing consciousness. Your old world is drawing swiftly to a close and this is because the love is seeping through the cracks of a dying world and unity can once more be born among you all.

It may seem like a long time in coming but we see you with eyes that are unfettered by the veil of this world so to us it is a heartbeat of eternal consciousness. Your move into a new arena is now smooth and swift because the work is being done and all. Change you now see is in the working order of this world. The great central sun is transforming your experience from the inside out. It is a bit like rewriting your internal circuitry. Your dna is being rewoven to your highest and original pattern and you are being restored to the highest vibrations of human consciousness. We your friends are already among you.

You can see us when the veil is light and when love is strong in your experience. The vibration is heightening all the time on your world and when this move is sealed and the planet has morphed fully into her awakening vibration you will all witness us first hand. This will not be long in coming now. You are all doing the work that is seeing a swift renewal of your world now and forever. There are so many forces that desire to see your final and swift move to a new state of awareness. All the help is at at hand blessed hearts.

Doubt not that you are being supported in all that is. Your financial system is a hairy subject at best but all we will say is that a move is currently underway on your world that is going to restore freedom in every conceivable for every inhabitant of this planet. We look to your world stage and we witness how rickety it has become. We are amazed that it has stayed operational as it has for so long. It is quickly going to crumble now because of all your supporters that are working tirelessly on your behalf. You are going to see a swift move in the six earth weeks as every tear is to be wiped away and the light can fully dawn on your experience as it has been simply waiting to do so all this time.
We your friends are with you in all that is and we will speak again very shortly.

We love you,

We are the assembly of light.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Important new message from Ashtar.

Important Message from Ashtar.

Through Mark Stearn.

28th May, 2008.

Greetings benevolent friends,

The winds of change are without a doubt at their highest at this time since you first began your vast ascension process. There is currently a great freeing up happening in the lower dimensions of your world. This is paving the way for an all out move of consciousness to shift on your world. This move reshapes the patterns of awareness on this planet in a fashion that are more concurrent with the higher awareness of the spirit realms. You are at a vast precipice. Below is a new world of wonder awaiting your move and all that remains now is to shift the lower vibrations of this world and all will follow suit. We are keeping a close eye on the world stage at this point.

Your galactic federation stands now at the ready for the appointed time from heaven when there is an all out contact. This scenario draws closer now for you are truly at breaking point in a good way I would put it. The past two earth months has seen vast shifts of the lower orders of this world. All have made it necessary for the new world to settle into your midst. Light workers the world over are wondering how to proceed. You are looking for a common voice. It is important to know that it is coming together in a divinely orchestrated fashion.

The dormant cities of this planet mostly underground are now beginning to come online as the heavier energies are shifted from the earth's form. This takes an enormous amount of focus from the world's light workers and us your friends who work hand in hand with you. These lost cities are actually gate ways to the higher worlds which became dormant the moment the earth plunged into the lower vibrations of humanistic consciousness. The way is now becoming clear once more for these cities to become reactivated.

There are inner earth dwellers who are ready to take up post at these monuments to higher consciousness as soon as the way has been made clear. We wish to commend you on all your work. You are drawing the world back from further chaos. Your global meditations are making it possible for us your friends to come ever closer into your earth awareness. Time is short. So much remains to be done in such a small time frame. The way is becoming that bit much clearer now that the heaviness is truly beginning to dissipate on a global scale.

We address now your swift move back now to full consciousness. Your world networks where the current of consciousness is being supported is accelerating your return to the state where you are perfect in your being. Your activations are ongoing as you adjust and fine tune to heaven's tune. So much now is being achieved because you vibrate according to a new frequency. Your return to the finer states of awareness is indeed now very swift. This the way that heaven has defined it would be.

Once the world has been purged you will find a new peace descend on your world that has not existed since the fall of man. All is now being made ready for the formation of a fully galactic society on the planet Earth. The necessary purging is underway and we commend the global and collective work that you are undergoing. Each meditation that you do is making the way clearer so heaven can return to this world in all it's glory. We will continue to keep you informed as the purging takes place. A new kingdom of awareness is only now around the corner. I will speak again shortly. I am your brother in consciousness,


My website and services offered.

My site is New Crystal Earth is at:

I offer remote healings and distance attunements in Blue Star Heart Healing.

I also offer personal soul readings and channeled messages from the ascended masters and angels.

The Establishing of the Crystal Heart Republic.

Greetings beloved friends,

I speak to you now as my higher self Esheba and Mark. About four earth years ago the source came to me and awakened me to a movement of consciousness in the universe and thus the blue star collective was born. They are a collective that direct the movement of galactic affairs. They informed me of a model for the new earth that was destined for the planet. This is fondly known as the Crystal Heart Republic. It has since been established on all galactic levels and of course from the New Earth. The Blue Star Collective is working with me to complete our current cycle of consciousness so that we can shift over to the new world.

The republic is now awakening on this world through Earth's crystal cities. Soon our move in consciousness will be complete.