Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Daily energy report from Mark.

Mark's Daily energy report.

4th June, 2008.

From Mark:

Beloved friends,

After I had finished this report I asked the light forces to enter the earth and assume command. There was an all out move etherically as all ships aligned into a new formation and a new command structure was created through my light field. I was then told that a new project is instigated through me. It activates dormant fields on the earth that involve the full creation of new earth. It involves the restitution of this world fully to it's newly appointed condition in the cosmos.

This is not going to take weeks or months to achieve. Spirit are acting very quickly. They are reordering the gravitational fields of this planet. The ethers is becoming a part of the alignment of this world through the vortexes that are in place. Aquarius is dancing all through the world right now. A dance is now being created on this world that invites all to partake. The earth is being recreated into a new form.

This is happening very quickly as heaven now moves with the edict of completion for this world and all worlds associated with our ascension process. The world stage is being rewoven into a new pattern that allows the new earth format to take part in it's unfolding. This all came in after I had just done the report. Below is the report that I have already completed. Enjoy!


Beloved friends,

I am heavily involved in working with the blue star collective. The energy is very shaky on the world today. Much cleansing is taking place. A realignment of the world is taking place. The world is basically on very shaky ground and this will intensify in the coming days. I have invited the Blue Star Collective into the planet through my light field. This is greatly accelerating world events. The result of this action is creating a safety net against any unexpected negative situations.

The energies flowing through me have created a command station that extends all over the planet. We have also created an island of light that reorders the world according to the new earth. What is being created through me is thousands of fifth dimensional ascension vortexes that are completing the process of merging the physical with the etheric and unifying us with the spiritual realms. This is a very intense process. It is also very exciting.

From the Blue Star Collective:

We are delighted to formally enter your experience. The new island of light will greatly provide a means where your world can move into a new experience of itself. It is routed through the central core of your planet. The island of light spiritualizes the lower dimensions and provides a vibration that fully restores the planet and all it's population to divine personal sovereignty. Your process internally and externally will great intensify over the coming days and you will begin to witness our presence as the air cleanses on the planet and the order of the day shifts over to the new earth way of being which is just being established.

Mark has hit on the ideal solution to a situation where the end appears drawn out and you wonder if you will ever see a completion to a process that has brought you so far. We promise that results are being achieved now in an instant the more each of you allow the spirit to act through you to transform your world forever. It is a time of change that reorders the powers that be on your earth instantly through the enormous influence of the divine plan and the genius that it provides. It is a very simple process. We are capable of changing your world in a heart beat and this is what we are engaged in at this point.

We have merged with all points of your world and are currently engaged in manifesting structures that disable the power structures that manipulate the world's population. Next we are going to address the banking system and the enormous reordering that is necessary within these very shaky structures. We have numerous elite operatives in place that are carefully serving the dictates of heaven in an instant. Your move to a new world is carefully assured blessed ones.

We are working on your behalf on the creation of a new model that fully upholds divine personal sovereignty. We will keep you informed in the time ahead as to the nature of the changes now transpiring on your planet and we anticipate a very quick cleaning of house over the next period of time and a reordering that fully prepares all inhabitants of this earth to make an adjustments of their being into a new way of being that is true freedom and sovereignty. We are all watching over you. We will be in touch again soon. We are your friends.

We are the Blue Star Collective.

From Mark: So there you have it dear friends. The changes that we are longing for are being addressed because I have allowed the Blue Star Collective through me to conduct a genius plan as created by heaven. If more of us did this we would already be on the new world.

I will report more again very soon.

In love and respect,


1 comment:

Betty L. Robinson said...

Hi Mark,
So, to do this as you suggest in your post, does a person connect withteh Blue Star group or other groups? I think it is awesome the work you are doing, and I most definitely want to be part of this. I send energies from Source to the Earth Grids most days, and am very focused on ascension. Blessings,